Twin Peaks Restaurants Sued for Sexual Harassment and Pregnancy Discrimination

This picture is taken directly from the Twin Peaks website

Twin Peaks Sports Bar & Restaurants is a restaurant chain similar to Hooters in that it embraces a “breastaurant” concept, where women servers wear revealing uniforms.    It describes itself as “the perfect man cave.”   Servers are “Twin Peaks Girls” and wear uniforms consisting of low-cut and midriff tops with short shorts. 

Apparently, however, some men may not know how to behave in “the perfect man cave” as three former South Florida Twin Peaks employees have hit the restaurant with lawsuits, alleging that they were subjected to unwanted touching, lewd comments and other sexual harassment from a manager and customer.  In addition, one server claims in the lawsuit that she was denied employment after gaining weight in her pregnancy. 

Twin Peaks claims that the entire lawsuit is “baseless.”

One of the servers claims that the restaurant violated state and federal law when following her pregnancy, she had serious medical complications and considered leaving Twin Peaks, but was urged by her manager to stay.  When she wanted to return to work, the general manager told her, “I would love to have you, but you know what they’re going to tell me about your weight.”  She was asked to send pictures to him in her uniform and was then told that she could not return to work until she lost weight. 

The two other employees’ complaints include that they were regularly touched and grabbed, and were subject to lewd comments and offensive behavior by managers and customers.  One claims that an assistant manager touched her hips and buttocks.  They also claim that their managers failed to protect them from customers who grabbed them, spoke offensively or took photos of their breasts or buttocks without their permission.  One even claims that she was filed while in a changing room.

This firm handles employment matters, including sexual harassment, hostile work environment and pregnancy discrimination. 


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