Bojangles’ slogan was once “Ain’t no party like a Bojangles’ Party.” A supervisor at a North Carolina Bojangles may have taken that slogan a bit too far.
Stacie Harris, a manager for 10 years at Bojangles, alleges that she complained that her supervisor was inappropriately playing with her hair and touching her. In response, she says Bojangles fired her for “unethical practices.”

She claims that when she told her area supervisor to stop touching her, she was told that Bojangles’ director of operations said that, “I’m your boss and what I say goes.” She claims that he continued this behavior with her and other female employees during multiple visits to the restaurant.
She claims that the supervisor and the director of operations retaliated against her by refusing to make necessary repairs at her store and by leaving her off emails. She alleges that the inappropriate behavior continued and she complained to human resources of sexual harassment. She was then fired.
If you have a dispute related to harassment, retaliating or whistle blowing, contact us. We can answer your questions.