The daughters in Fiddler on the Roof sing, “Matchmaker, matchmaker, make me a match. Find me a find. Catch me a catch.”
What happens, though, when you hire a matchmaking service and they fail to find you a find, or catch you a catch? A Tampa woman, Sherri Ferrara, has sued a matchmaking service, “It’s Just Lunch,” because she wasn’t happy with her matches.
She paid a $450 per date fee and was scheduled to meet her first date. The potential date, however, stood her up. She blamed the matchmaker for matching her with a bad date.
Four days later, she was matched with another gentleman. He wore old shorts and flip-flops and cursed throughout the meal. Ferrara complains that this also was not an appropriate match. She asked the service: “For my next match, l would like to see someone with more class, style, who is more worldly, taller, better dressed, has more manners and is more upscale please.”
The service sent her an Amazon gift card as an apology and scheduled a third date, which Ferrera canceled as she knew the match was flagged by another dating website as a fraud.
She seeks, for some reason, $3,329.69. I hope she has better luck with this lawsuit than with dating.
Read more about the case here.